Gold Award
Evolutionary design of explainable algorithms for biomedical image segmentation
"Kévin Cortacero, Brienne McKenzie, Dennis G. Wilson, Hervé Luga, Salvatore Valitutti, Sylvain Cussat-Blanc"
Silver Award
From Pixels to Metal: AI-Empowered Numismatic Art
Penousal Machado; Tiago Martins; João Correia; Luis Espirito Santo; Nuno Lourenço; João Miguel Cunha; Sérgio Rebelo; Pedro Martins; João Bicker
Bronze Award
Freeform generative design of complex functional structures
Gerald Pereira; David Howard; Paulus Lahur; Michael Breedon; Phil Kilby; Christian Hornung
Bronze Award
Macro Placement by Wire-Mask-Guided Black-Box Optimization
Yunqi Shi, Ke Xue, Lei Song, and Chao Qian