Call for Late-breaking Abstracts
General Information
Two-page abstracts describing late-breaking developments in the field of genetic and evolutionary computation are solicited for presentation at the Late-Breaking Abstracts Workshop of the 2024 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2024), and for inclusion in the conference proceedings companion, available to all attendees of the conference and in the ACM Digital Library.
Please emphasise what is the exciting new component/innovation that will enhance the field of genetic and evolutionary computation, and why you think it will help advance the field.
Presentation Format
Following the success of the previous years, authors of accepted submissions will be asked to prepare a poster summarizing their contributions. In the interactive Late-Breaking Abstracts poster sessions attendees will have the opportunity to interact with authors and enjoy a dynamic forum to share and spread scientific ideas. The details about the poster preparation will be sent to the authors of accepted abstracts.
Selection Process
Late-breaking abstracts will be briefly examined for relevance and minimum standards of acceptability, but will not be peer reviewed in detail. Authors of accepted late-breaking abstracts will individually retain copyright (and all other rights) to their late-breaking abstracts. Accepted late breaking abstracts with no author registered by the deadline will not appear in the Late-Breaking Abstracts section of the Conference Companion volume.
Please note that, for late breaking abstracts, the timelines are tight between the notification and the camera-ready deadline, so make sure you have set aside enough time to incorporate possible revisions suggested by reviewers.
How to Submit an Abstract
- Submission Opening: February 13, 2024
- Submission site:
- Submission deadline (extended): April 22, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
- Page limit: 2 pages using ACM template (including references). See Paper Submission Instructions.
- Author agreement: By submitting an abstract, the author(s) agree that, if their paper is accepted, they will:
- Submit a final, revised, camera-ready version to the publisher (May 10, 2024)
- Register at least one author who will present the poster illustrating the paper (May 10, 2024)
- Notification: May 3, 2024
- Submission of Camera-Ready Abstract: May 10, 2024
File Preparation Instructions
Templates for Word and LaTeX are available on the Paper Submission Instructions page.
The ACM Copyright Notice must appear on the first page of your abstract, on the bottom of the left column of the first page. This statement must appear in 8 pt. Times New Roman, justified text, with GECCO'24 in italics. The ACM templates you use to submit your paper for review contain a sample copyright notice. The exact text of the copyright statement will be provided for accepted submissions.
About the Registration Requirement for Authors
GECCO requires at least one author of each accepted paper or abstract (the presenting author) to complete a paid registration by the author registration deadline. GECCO requires at least one author to register to attend the conference, so that someone is at the conference to present the research. If an accepted paper or abstract has more than one author, and more than one of those authors will attend, then each author who attends the conference must pay a registration. Only the presenting author must register by the deadline; the other authors do not have a deadline to register. If an author is the presenting author for more than one accepted paper or abstract, the presenting author pays only one registration.
More Information
For more information, contact the Late-Breaking Abstracts Chairs, Will Browne, will.browne at, or Justyna Petke, j.petke at